Detoxification and Elimination (a term used so vaguely) and the importance of the matrix

We each have trillions of cells that make up our tissues, organs, nerves, skin etc. Inside each individual cell, we find our DNA (mainly in the nucleus of the cell). Our DNA makes us who we are as it carries all our genetic information.
Each cell has a membrane that allows nutrients, insulin, hormones etc to cross over into the cell, it also allows metabolic waste products out of the cell, a healthy intact membrane will keep invaders such as viruses out.
Modern medicine has been based on the cell theory described by a physician (Virchow) who is known as the ‘father of modern pathology’, he taught and believed that all diseases originate at the cell level.

However, researchers later discovered the cell is at the mercy of something else which they later discovered the biolayer of the Extracellular matrix (ECM) or the ground substance. Our cells are surrounded by this ground matrix that controls the cell and its function, it is in this matrix where contact is made with blood and lymph vessels, nerves and veins and NOT the cell. This ground substance communicates and touches the cellular membrane. The matrix (nothing to do with Keanu Reeves) is a gelatinous substance made of large molecules called glycosaminoglycans (such as Hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulphate etc.) and proteoglycans.

Everything thing has to pass in and out of this matrix to get in and out of the cell, it is like a sieve (a molecular one) and is highly charged so it captures toxins readily to be taken out of the matrix via the lymph for detoxification/elimination. The cell is only able to function according to its surrounding environment so therefore we can say the environment is everything and not the cell.

A healthy working cell can only be present when there is a healthy medium for the cells to bathe in, think of a goldfish in a bowl, the life of the fish is dependent on the environment it lives in, a filthy environment will cause damage or death to the fish. Think of the fish as your cells, the environment is everything, it communicates, nourishes and takes up the toxin byproducts from the cell, it communicates to the cell membrane which acts like the guards of a castle checking what goes in and out.
Modern medicine is based on the cell theory that the disease is a cell /organ problem and yet the ground matrix and lymphatic system are overlooked.

Our ground matrix has its own biorhythm which is dependent on hormone balance such as cortisol, during the early hours when cortisol is lower the toxins can be released from the matrix to be detoxified, If one is under stress, not sleeping well etc then this function is much harder and therefore the toxins remain. This sieve becomes polluted, it needs a clear out just like you would a sieve that was clogged up. The lymphatic system is the only way route of toxins out of the matrix. It needs to be cleaned and filtered, this is how we build toxins up that then affect the workings of tissues, organs, joints etc. Toxin overload can affect us in different ways from skin issues, ageing, worse menopause symptoms, heavy periods, headaches, constipation and much more…

Detoxification and elimination is a place we should all visit from time to time, as well as a conscious look at our daily lifestyle and behaviours. Toxins are pouring in from our chemical world found in our food, makeup, skincare etc as well as oestrogens and plastics etc, we are under stress, we have our unseen toxins from wifi, as well as thoughts and emotions which affects the energy pathways of the body that can cause changes in cortisol, stress hormones which can lead to chaos at the matrix and cell level.

Many people will state that their issues run in their families such as heart disease, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and even some cancers that are said to ‘run in families’

With the above analogy, we can now see that its the terrain or the environment that can make those genes switch on and express as the same disease as others the family. What often runs in families are the same eating/drinking patterns as well as stress load, lifestyle behaviours, beliefs etc that triggering the gene. If we are predisposed to disease (which we all are) its the environment (that we can influence) that controls the cell and then the genetic expression inside the cell.

karen devine