We want to enjoy freedom in a body that flows, glows, feels light and one that is comfortable to live in. However, many report that they feel heavy, congested, blocked, fatigued, have dull/spotty skin, constipated, hormonal, foggy headed, and pressure from sinuses, stiff and full of aches and pains. Many of these symptoms can indicate that your lymphatic system is in need of attention.

Our lymphatic system plays a major role in immunity and the elimination of wastes that are taken from the cells. When our lymphatic system is sluggish, our detoxification is impaired which leads to stagnation and degeneration as toxicity and wastes accumulate.

Working with clients I describe the blood and lymph as the two rivers in our body that need to flow, the blood which takes oxygen and nutrients to our trillions of cells and our lymph which carries waste from the cells. Our lymph fluid which is a clear to white substance also carries absorbed fats from our foods, white blood cells, toxins, unwanted cellular debris and more. Our cells take up nutrients (eat) and excretes , it is our lymph that takes up this excreted cellular waste. The blood is pumped by the heart but the lymph is ‘pumpless’ so it relies on smooth muscle and skeletal muscle contraction to move this fluid.

Like blood vessels, our lymphatic vessels span the body with the smaller lymph capillaries found in the interstitial areas that receive the excreted waste products from the cells. The lymph system comprises of these small capillaries as well as lymph vessels, lymph nodes (to filter out the wastes) , lymph tissue, and organs such as the spleen.

Good health and well being is not only dependent on the amount and type of toxins coming into our body but also how well we are eliminating our waste to the outside. When we continue to build up wastes that are not drained and eliminated our lymphatic system becomes sluggish.

Before looking for the ‘pill for that ill’ whether that is a natural supplement, herb or other we still have to look at the root cause. No lasting changes can really happen when the body’s elimination channels are sluggish. So that headache or sinus issue maybe stemming from, mucous forming foods, slow drainage, and waste across the transverse colon that need removing.

Many people consume a diet rich in hydrogenated fats (baked goods, fried foods etc), gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, animal flesh (meat) etc. If you take a moment to look at your diet, you will find that these are your main core foods which are eaten in various ways. These are generally the where the ‘bulk’ of calories come from. These are our more acid based foods but excess of them can contribute to excess mucous production which makes everything slow moving and of course where there is stagnation there is more risk of infection such as in the sinuses.

Many diets lack fresh raw fruits and vegetables which are our alkaline rich foods which our body needs for healing, they bring the raw life force enzymes (which are destroyed with cooking). Whilst you may be consuming cooked vegetables which are rich in fibre, phyto-nutrients and minerals (depending on how you cook them), raw foods from nature’s own table are often lacking.

Consuming the concentrated refined grains, sugars, excess meat and eggs can also slow down our bowel movements as this mucous can be found throughout the digestive tract and food such as dairy can leave waste residue on the bowel wall which can build up over time slowing down our digestive system.

Our gut is like the trunk of the tree with the branches that link to every system of the body, when there is ‘junk left in the trunk’ this has a huge impact on every organ, tissue and cell. It can also affect absorption of nutrients.

The lymph is particularly affected when the bowels are congested, it can back up its waste and therefore slow the lymphatic system. This can then lead to congestion in other areas of the body, skin breakouts, joint pains, dull foggy head, fatigue, heavy periods, low immunity, hormonal issues and more.

There are many ways to support our lymphatic system, many of these can be incorporated into our lifestyle routines

  1. Detoxification is no.1, removing the waste from the system takes time, detoxing is a journey that needs tweaking when needed. Eating cooked foods slows down the process, eating all raw speeds it up due to the electromagnetic potential of the life force rich food, so it is a journey of twists and turns. As the saying goes Rome was not built in a day, do not believe that a 5 day or 7 day detox is all you need, there are layers of waste, weakened systems and organs than need to be restored/regenerated to work optimally. But importantly, elimination routes needs to be operating fully in order for any detoxification to be effective. You may need to make some small tweaks or bigger changes to your diet and work with this for some months, or if able you may need to work much deeper - our timeline of food intake, inherited weaknesses, stress levels, past use of antibiotics/medications, current and past lifestyles and health issues are all unique.

  2. Hydration if vital, fresh water and eating those high water content fruits and veggies such as cucumber, celery, watermelon etc. Dehydration slows down the lymph.

  3. Move the body daily, walking, yoga, stretching, weights, swimming etc

  4. Ensure at least 1 good bowel movement per day - preferably 2 -3 healthy movements. A focus on the digestive system especially the bowel is very important.

  5. Increase raw foods in the diet, fresh fruits and vegetables. Colourful salads, smoothies, juices and sprouted seeds etc. You can start with 1 green juice, or a smoothie or some fresh fruits each morning and build from there.

  6. Remove/reduce mucous forming foods (slows lymph flow) - dairy, gluten, sugar, excess meat etc. If you enjoy some meats, ensure it is ‘clean meat’ not one full of nitrates/nitrites (i.e ham/bacon), hormones and chemicals. Fish such as fresh wild salmon, mackerel, sardines, avoiding tuna where possible. Swap to plant milks and plant milk yogurts (avoid soya). For some a little natural live cow dairy yogurt and butter are ok but may be not for others.

  7. Reduce refined carbohydrates, sugar, caffeinie, alcohol. Replace with quinnoa, millet, buckwheat, root veggies, brown rice, pea/buckwheat/quinnoa pasta’s etc.

  8. Moderate protein and healthy fat intake. (Use only healthy ‘whole food’ sources of fats, a few nuts, avocado, seeds, coconut etc.)

  9. Dry skin brushing.

  10. Rebounding (a mini tramploline ).

  11. Regular massage.

  12. MLD - manual lymphatic drainage.

  13. Colonics.

  14. Astringent fruits such as lemons, pineapples, limes etc.

  15. Herbs & Homeopathic drainage remedies.

  16. Using natural products on our skin and avoiding as much chemicals in our food and environment as possible.

  17. Saunas.

  18. Intermittent fasting, juice fasts (take advice).

  19. Deep Diaphragmatic breathing.

  20. Stress reduction.

Whatever age we are, we can ‘glow lighter’ we want to tap into the body’s true potential, we want to look into the mirror and see a sparkle in our eyes, and a healthy glow to our skin. We want to lessen the degeneration and stagnation that comes with layers of toxicity and pollution dulling our true shine.

Karen x

karen devine